Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Where Are Your Eyes?

Imagine a scene as if in a play, 
where the characters are in an area 
 lit by a spotlight, 
while the area outside of the spotlight
 is shadowy. 
The characters in the spotlight 
are a flock of sheep, 
along with their Shepherd. 

Some of the sheep are content 
in the Shepherd's care, 
and are thankful for the sunny day 
and the rich pasture. 
They are trusting their tomorrows 
to their Shepherd’s care,
knowing that He is the same 
yesterday, today and forever.
Their focus is on today, 
and on their Shepherd.

However, many of the sheep 
are standing at the edge of the spotlight, 
peering anxiously into the 
shadows of the future. 
They are worried about what 
the future might hold 
that they might not like, 
and they are trying to figure out 
how they will handle things
they imagine might 
 happen tomorrow. 
Even though their Shepherd 
is the same yesterday, 
today and forever, 
they are unable to see Him 
in the shadows of the future. 
Their focus is on tomorrow, 
and not on their Shepherd.

Where are your eyes?

Two sheep were in a park; 
one saw light, the other saw dark.