Monday, September 23, 2024

Glimmers of Grace

Glimmer:  a small moment of joy

Glimmers are small moments of joy or peace that arise from appreciating simple things.

A glimmer is a brief, everyday moment that can bring feelings of happiness, gratitude, or calm. Glimmers can be found in simple activities like observing nature. 

Glimmers are those tiny, seemingly insignificant moments when you feel a sense of joy, pleasure, peace, and gratitude. They're often catalyzed by simple, daily things.

Looking for glimmers is a mindfulness practice that encourages you to notice the good all around you. 

Keeping your eyes and mind open to find glimmers also helps you to stay in the present moment rather than worrying about the future or fretting over the past.

                                  - Newport Institute 

Life is made up of a million little glimmers -- small, seemingly ordinary glimpses of goodness that bring light into our everyday lives.

Glimmers are always there. They are gifts of grace.

These moments, small as they may seem, can help us feel safer and more grounded.

Psalm 34:8 -  "taste and see that the Lord is good" -- because when we do, we find refuge in the One who loves us and will never leave us. God is present in it all, beckoning us to experience goodness in everyday glimpses of grace.

Glimmers remind us that though the world may grow dark, we are safe and held in the loving arms of Christ.

The briefest glimmer can act as nudges to the depth of your soul that you are safe. That you are seen. And that you are loved -- right here, right now.

Inhale: Help me see You  
Exhale: In and around me

May glimmers light your path, helping you notice and name even the tiniest reflections of God's goodness in the days ahead.

                             - Kayla Craig

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